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Its time to reflect!

Published: at 03:49 AM

I’m writing this blog to introduce myself and share what I’ve been up to lately. I graduated from ASU with my master’s degree over a year ago and have been working in applied machine learning at W4 Labs. During my graduate studies, I explored Quantum Machine Learning (QML), which is a very intriguing, expanding, and futuristic subject of research, focusing on the intersection of Machine Learning and Quantum Computation. However, I opted not to pursue that further in my career, owing to a lack of work opportunities and the preference given to physics majors and doctoral students. I immediately saw the challenge of keeping up with two enormous scientific topics. So, I decided to continue in the path that I love most, machine learning and software engineering.

After moving to the United States, I quickly became aware of the country’s highly competitive talent, and I was occasionally overwhelmed by the number of intelligent individuals around me. I reasoned that to progress, I also needed to push myself. As someone who enjoys learning and growing in the technological field, I decided to go after a career in research. In that regard, I created this blog for writing content or doing a literature review on subjects I intended to publish.

In recent times, I have gained interest in model monitoring for machine learning systems. So, in the next weeks, I plan to write more about monitoring and observability in LLMs, as well as explainability. I wanted my literature review to be well-organized so that it could serve as a comprehensive overview of the studies that I learned and can refer to later. So I’ll create a root post that will contain the links to other posts on the same topic. I will continue to update the root post as I write more. This can assist other learners or professionals in skimming through the material on these topics.

I used to write blogs a few years ago (check out @Medium), but its been a long gap after that. I decided to give it another go and be more persistent this time. I don’t want to write anything technical in this post, so I’ll stop here for now. However, I plan to publish more about model monitoring in modern LLMs as well as explainable AI soon. Adios!